Desperately looking for ways to get a hair-free bikini line just like those swimsuit models? It’s time to wake up and face reality.
Your bikini area needs to be taken care of, not destroyed at all costs.
The season of swimsuits is the season of your insecurities
To the majority of us, the perfect bikini line is something you’ll never have, it’s a joke actually, and there’s not much you can do about it. You’ve tried, I know.
Pubic hair in the bikini area is also a mark of our existence, it’s part of us, and it’s meant to live with us.
Hair removal is not the end solution for all, our skin conditions vary dramatically, and require different kinds of treatment.
You can only get your bikini line right once you get to the root of the problems:
- What do you think of your pubic hair?
- How would you like your pubic hair to be?
When you have these questions figured out, here’re your three options.
Method #1. Remove them every chance you get
If your bikini line is hairy to an extent that’s too thick to ignore, or you’ve had no problems with waxing, or you’ve successfully tried handling the bikini line with razors, this is considered the most efficient option for many.
Partial Grooming (Shaving/Trimming)
Put on your favorite swimsuits (bonus if they are less exposing) and mark the areas where the hair can be seen.
Get a cheap trimmer/razor and with some good exfoliation, shave only those marked areas.
It’s quick and easy, you can do this at home without any extra help.
Complete Removal (Clean Shave/Brazilian Wax/etc.)
Complete hair removal takes the most effort but gives you the freedom to enjoy those super high cuts, thong-like string styles, and all the cheeky designs.
Any suit can be a wearable option, and hair regrowth is the only problem you need to worry about.
Shaving, waxing, or lasering will do the job for you, but to maintain hairlessness, you will have to do it as a routine every few weeks (4~7).
Here are some guides you can follow:
How to Shave or Trim Pubic Hair
How To Shave “DOWN THERE” Perfectly
Method #2. Leave it the way it is, with zero Fs given
Ask people with sensitive skin about the experience they had with hair removal, and most of them will say there’s more hassle/pain than satisfaction.
If you’ve been tortured by ingrown hair, bumps, follicles, etc., letting your pubic hair stay does not mean giving up, it’s about acceptance and being self-aware.
You have some hair poking out from the side of your bikini, so what? Someone happens to see them, so what? You are judged or laughed at because of this, so what? People tell you it’s disgusting, so efing what?
After all, it’s just pubic hair, however you want to wear a bathing suit with it is none of their business.
You need to stop caring about what others think.
Method #3. Camouflage them, with swimsuits
When shaving and waxing are forever out of the option and letting it out seems way too risky, you can always hide it.
And yes, style tricks can eliminate all your hair-related problems, you can do it too with swimsuits.
It’s wrong to think that only those who have little to no pubic hair can hide their bikini lines with bathing suits.
With the right swimsuit design and the right amount of coverage, any part of your body can be put behind the scenes.
The takeaway
First, get your attitude toward pubic hair right. Then, do whatever you want with your pubic hair, and wear whichever swimsuit you feel like wearing.