How to Fix Bikini Bottoms That Are Too Big

Signs Your Bikini Bottoms Are Too Big

That favorite bikini of yours used to make you feel incredible – but now the bottoms are looking a little loose and saggy, or your newly bought bikini bottom does not have the desired fit as expected.

Before making fixes, you need to be sure your bottoms actually are oversized.

Doulbe check if your bikini bottom have:

  • Excess Fabric Bunching – Extra material gathering at the sides or back shows the bottoms are too roomy. Smooth fabric is best.
  • Gaping at Waist or Hips – If bottoms don’t lie flat against your body and gaps appear, sizing is likely off.
  • Constant Adjusting – Having to frequently pull up or smoothe bottoms signals they are too loose in areas.
  • Slipping Down – Bottoms that won’t stay seated in place and slip down reveal they are ill-fitting.
  • More Revealing Than Expected – Looseness in the rear or hips can lead to unintended exposure.
  • Leg Holes Spreading – Bottoms where the leg openings gap wide and move around signal oversized fit.
  • Crotch Sagging – Fabric that sags downward shows excess roominess and lack of support.
  • Lack of Contouring – Bottoms should sculpt your curves, not just hang shapelessly.
  • Comparisons – Place new bottoms next to older suits that used to fit well. Differences reveal stretch.

And you should also trust your instincts.

If a bikini bottom feel loose or seem less flattering than in the past, adjustments are likely needed.

Fixing Oversized Bikini Bottoms

Adjust the Side Ties

Many bikini bottoms, especially skimpy and string styles, incorporate side ties at the hips.

Making a simple adjustment to these ties can provide an instant custom fit.

Tie the side straps tighter so that the front and back fabric gathers and cinches in towards your body. This takes in any looseness and prevents sagging.

Find your ideal balance of tautness and aim for a sculpted silhouette without pinching or squeezing.

Don’t be shy about really pulling the strings taut if needed for a custom contour. A sturdy double knot keeps the adjusted ties locked in place all day.

Use Clips or Tucks

Get crafty with clips and tucks to mimic a cinched, tailored look. Discreet adjustable clips, sewn at the hips, can grasp and gather loose fabric.

For temporary tucks, fold excess material and pin it inside the lining along the hips. Check for bunching and, if pleased, make the tucks permanent.

Both techniques nip and trim the fit, and with some strategic clasping and folding, you can transform the silhouette from baggy to body-hugging cozy.

Attach Straps or Drawstrings

Get adjustable with straps and strings, they allow you to manipulate the fit.

Convert bottoms into tie-sides by sewing on crisscrossing straps at the hips. Or discreetly sew a drawstring into the waistband interior to cinch and customize the waist fit.

Both additions can help fabricate slimmer, defined areas that were previously loose.

And the adjustable ties and strings mean you can tweak the fit to flatter your curves any day.

Why does my bikini bottom become saggy?

Understanding the common reasons bikini bottoms can become baggy provides insights into how to avoid this problem in the future.

Ordering the Wrong Size

This is one of the most common reasons.

With different sizing across brands and styles, it can be tricky to select the right bikini size.

Bottoms that are even just a size too big will eventually stretch out with wear and washing, leaving you with a loose, baggy fit. Two brands’ “mediums” may have very different actual dimensions.

Bottoms Stretching Over Time

Even if you start with a well-fitting bikini, the bottom fabric can stretch out over time. Fabrics like lycra and spandex have natural stretch and elasticity.

Repeated wear and machine washing gradually cause them to lose their shape and sag.

This effect is accelerated if you tend to purchase cheaper swimsuits using lower-quality fabrics.

Higher end brands incorporate fabrics like Italian lycra that maintain elasticity far longer. So an inexpensive pair of bottoms may become loose within a season or two.

Weight Changes

Losing a few pounds often means your bottoms can become loose and ill-fitting. Even a modest amount of weight loss creates roominess.

Similarly, gaining weight means bottoms that used to fit just right are now uncomfortably tight and unflattering. Though bikini tops with adjustable closures can accommodate fluctuation better, bottoms tend to be less forgiving.

Improper Washing and Drying

How you care for your swimsuit plays a big role in maintaining the ideal fit over time. The fibers comprising bikini fabric can be damaged by improper washing and drying, causing them to overstretch.

Frequent machine washing, especially in hot water, gradually degrades the elasticity in fabrics like spandex and lycra. The agitation of a washing cycle also stresses the fibers. And the heat of machine drying further deteriorates the man-made materials.

Body Changes

Pregnancy, aging, and other bodily changes influence your bikini size and shape as well. Weight gain in the midsection during pregnancy can also alter how bottoms fit. They may remain roomy even after initial weight loss. Puberty and menopause transitions can also lead to redistributed weight that changes the bikini fit.

Preventing Bikini Bottoms From Getting Too Big

By taking measures to buy and care for your swimsuits properly, you can avoid the common causes behind loose bikini bottoms. Prevention grants you confidence your beloved suits will provide comfort, coverage and style season after season.

Investing in Higher Quality bikini bottoms

Cheaper suits made with inferior fabrics tend to overstretch and lose their shape quickly. The delicate nature of swimsuit materials means quality is critical.

Try seeking out luxury brands or designers that only use premium lycra or polyester/spandex blends. While more expensive, these suits retain elasticity and are often worth the investment long-term. If cost is an issue, splurge just on the bottoms since well-fitting ones are key.

Purchase the Proper Size

Be honest with yourself about your current measurements. Do not rely on standard clothing sizes, which vary wildly across brands and styles.

Carefully measure your waist, hips, and derriere before shopping. Thoroughly consult specific brands’ sizing info and charts, reading reviews for any guidance on fit.

It is better for bottoms to fit snugly initially since the fabrics will relax some over time. A band that is already loose can be a disaster.

When doubtful about sizing, especially with online shopping, order two sizes and return the one that does not flatter your curves perfectly. A tailored fit prevents the rapid stretching that comes with bottoms that are even slightly roomy.

Handle Your Bikini Bottom With Care

Your washing and drying routine has immense influence over how long bikinis maintain their elasticity and shape. The fibers comprising swimsuit fabrics are more delicate than standard apparel and require special care.

Gently hand washing suits in cool water preserves the integrity of the fabrics over time. At most, use a mild, laundry detergent free from dyes or bleaches.

And never place suits in the dryer, as the intense heat damages elasticity. Always allow bikinis to air dry fully before wearing or storing to avoid mildew.

Limit washing to only after wearing. Over-washing even with care speeds up deterioration. Take these precautions and your beloved bikini bottoms will last longer before growing loose or saggy.

Read also: How To Properly Hand Wash Your Bathing Suits >

Account for Fluctuations

While keeping a consistent weight might seem ideal for consistent bikini fit, life happens. Accounting for reasonable weight fluctuations allows you to keep wearing suits for longer even if your size changes.

Select bikini cuts and styles offering a bit more coverage and room, avoiding the skimpiest options. Look for bottoms with ties at the hips that can be adjusted as needed. High-waisted retro bottoms also adapt better than low-cuts.

Consider buying two different sizes if you know you’ll lose weight post-vacation or tend to cycle sizes. Mixing up sizes between tops and bottoms provides flexibility.

And remember that loose can always be taken in, but too tight offers little leeway.

When Katie was 10 years old, she won her first writing prize in an essay contest. That experience sparked her love and interest in writing. Throughout her life, she’s had various opportunities to expand her skill set. She wrote extensively about her experiences traveling the world and doing charity work. Currently, she is busy writing and taking care of her two step-sons and newborn daughter. She loves being a mother and makes time every day to fulfill her passion for writing & fashion.

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